Selasa, 14 April 2015

Pantai Drini

Drini Beach is one of the attractions located in Banjarejo Village, District Tanjungsari, Gunung, Yogyakarta.Letaknya on the east coast of Baron and is about 1 km to the east Coast Sepanjang.Namun actual distance that must be taken to get to this beach as far as 60 km or about 2-3 hours from the city Yogyakarta.Infrastruktur heading Drini Beach quite smooth, although the driveway to get to the beach is quite steep and winding-kelok.Pantai Drini is directly opposite the beach with the ocean in this Hindia.Pantai beach slope which is quite steep about 10 degrees and is part of Wonosari dominated by karst rocks of this Gunungsewu.Pantai yet untouched by many local and foreign tourists, because it is situated in the area terpencil.Sehingga, Drini Beach is known as the Coast Perawan.Sebutan This is used by the local community because of the condition of the Drini beach is clean, cool air, the water is cold coupled with dazzling white sand and the water flow is not fierce Parangtritis

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